Wednesday, March 04, 2009

System Administration Handbooks

USAH, LAH гэж хоёр үг бий.

Unix System Administration Handbook, Linux Administration Handbook гэсэн үг л дээ.
Өнөөдөр сэтгэгдэл үлдээсэн нэг зочиний хүсэлтээс улбаалаад энэ хоёр номыг танилцуулахад хүрлээ.

*nix систем хэрэглэгч анхлан суралцагчид болон туршлагтай хэрэглэгчид бүгд энэ номыг сайн гэж үнэлэдэг. Миний хувьд ч гэсэн USAH 1st Edition-г эхлэж уншиж байсан. Эхний хувилбар дээрээ HP-UX, Solaris, FreeBSD, RedHat системүүдийг харьцуулан зааварласан байдаг.
Өөрөөр хэлбэл хэрхэн boot loader -оо тохируулах вэ гэдгийг эдгээр 4н систем тус бүр дээр ийм ийм онцлогтой гээд харьцуулаад заасан байдгаараа давуу юм даа.

Сүүлд LAH 1st Edition-г захиж аваад уншиж байсан одоо ч надад бий л дээ. Debian, SuSE, RedHat Linux системүүдийг харьцуулж тайлбарлсан байдаг.

Харин сүүлд шинэчлэгдсэн хувилбар нь USAH 3rd Edition -д HP-UX, FreeBSD, Solaris, RedHat Linux

LAH 2nd Edition -д RHEL/Fedora, Debian/Ubuntu зэрэг Линуксууд нэмэгджээ.

Уг номны сайт нь :)

Мөн уг номнуудын өмнөх үгийг Линус Торвалдс бичиж байснаас сонирхуулбал

I am pleased to welcome Linux to the Unix System Administration Handbook! The previous edition of this book described six variants of Unix, all of which were proprietary. Reflecting real-world use, this edition covers only four systems, of which two (half!) are free. The Unix scene has changed a lot in just five years.

Systems like Linux and FreeBSD have established beyond doubt the credibility of the open source model. These systems are as stable and full-featured as their commercial counterparts; better yet, their developer communities move quickly to fix bugs and to add support for popular features. How many traditional vendors can say that?

As this book shows, system administrators have often been ill-served by the traditional development model. Vendors do what they want (often for reasons that are less than clear), and admins adapt. They have to, since the software is designed as one large, integrated system. Touch one component, and several others break.

As we gain experience with the process of assembling complete systems from many separate components, this situation will improve. There's really no reason why an administrator shouldn't choose, say, an authentication system in the same way that a secretary chooses a word processor. Experience shows that the opportunity for comparison and choice is all that's needed for good software to triumph over bad.

Looking through this new edition of the Handbook, it's clear that we still have a way to go towards making Unix administration graceful, easy, and pure. If the last decade is any indication, however, we will see rapid progress in the years ahead. In the meantime, enjoy this book. To infinity and beyond!

Linus Torvalds
June, 2000

Бичлэг таалагдсан бол сурталчилгаан дээр +1 дарж тус хүргээрэй ;)


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